People who I work with ask for reference books so I gathered a collection of books from my library specifically on the themes that I am trained at. From the list, authors Michaela Boehm and Dr. Avi Goren-Bar are my ongoing teachers and also from the list, I had the privilege to do an Art Therapy retreat with late Meera Hashimoto just before her passing, even though I couldn’t have the chance to do a training with her, the time I spent with her at her retreat made a huge impact on me about how embodiment, art & movement therapy can be deeply transformative. So I just want to remember and honour herself and her work.
The trainings that I studied and certified to teach and still studying with my teacher/mentor Michaela Boehm covers all the titles below. She is an all in one package and I am deeply grateful that I am one of her students.
And I did some online courses with some of the authors below.
If you know any of these titles you know that they are oceanic subjects especially Tantra and Jungian Studies. So reading some books about them might reveal you only the tip of the iceberg.
A little reminder, please note that not all books below represent my views. They are written with many different perspectives from people all around the world in different times and conditions.
On Feminine Embodiment
The Wild Woman’s Way by Michaela Boehm Ph.D (Tantra, Jungian, Nervous System Regulation)
Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes Ph.D (Jungian)
Women’s Intuition by Paula M. Reeves Ph.D (Jungian)
Awakening Shakti by Sally Kempton (Tantra)
Wild Feminine by Tami Lynn Kent
Yoni Shakti by Uma Dinsmore Tuli Ph.D (Tantra)
Coming Home to Myself by Marion Woodman Ph.D & Jill Mellick (Jungian)
Meditation Secrets for Women by Camille Maurine & Lorin Roche Ph.D (Tantra, Jungian)
On Nervous System Regulation & Trauma
In An Unspoken Voice by Peter A. Levine Ph.D
Waking The Tiger by Peter A. Levine Ph.D
Trauma & Memory by Peter A. Levine Ph.D
The Body Keeps The Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk M.D.
The Polyvagal Theory by Stephen W. Porges Ph.D
When The Body Says No by Gabor Mate M.D.
Call of the Wild by Kimberly Ann Johnson
On Intimacy & Relationship
Love, Sex and Your Heart by Alexander Lowen M.D
Feeling Good Together by David D. Burns M.D
5 Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Transformation Through Intimacy by Robert Augustus Masters Ph.D
Taoist Sexual Meditation by Bruce Frantzis
The Yoga of Bliss by Dr.Nida Chenagtsang
Mating in Captivity by Esther Perel
On Tantra
Tantra Illuminated by Christopher D. Wallis
The Recognition Sutras by Christopher D. Wallis
The Radiance Sutras by Lorin Roche Ph.D
Tantra The Path of Ecstasy by Georg Feuerstein Ph.D
Tools for Tantra by Harish Johari
Tantric Yoga and the Wisdom Goddesses by Dr. David Frawley
On Movement and Art Therapy
Jungian Art Therapy by Nora Swan-Foster
Sweat your Prayers by Gabrielle Roth
Maps to Ecstasy by Gabrielle Roth
The Place of Dance by Andrea Olsen with Caryn McHose
Dance and The Alexander Technique by Rebecca Nettl-Fiol and Luc Vanier
Reawakening of Art by Meera Hashimoto
Dancing into the Unknown by Meera Hashimoto
The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron
The Secrets of Expressive Arts Therapy and Coaching 1&2 by Dr. Avi Goren-Bar
Acrobats of the Gods by Joan Dexter Blackmer
On Jungian Studies about Feminine Archetypes
The Heroine’s Journey by Maureen Murdock
Dancing in the Flames by Marion Woodman and Elinor Dickson
Leaving My Father’s House by Marion Woodman Ph.D
The Pregnant Virgin by Marion Woodman Ph.D
The Sacred Prostitute by Nancy Qualls-Corbett
Persephone Rising by Carol S.Pearson Ph.D
The Great Mother by Erich Neumann Ph.D
Goddesses in Everywoman by Jean Shinoda Bolen M.D